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اینم دو تا متن انگلیسی کاردرمانی

به kardarmani.irحتما سر بزنید.  





Play therapy is a technique whereby the child's natural means of expression, namely play, is used as a therapeutic method to assist him/her in coping with emotional stress or trauma.  It has been used effectively with children who have an understanding level of a normal three to eight year old, who are; distraught due to family problems (e.g., parental divorce, sibling rivalry), nail biters, bed wetters, aggressive or cruel, social underdeveloped, or victims of child abuse.   It has also been used with special education students whose disability is a source of anxiety or emotional turmoil.

    Practitioners of play therapy believe that this method allows the child to manipulate the world on a smaller scale, something that cannot be done in the child's everyday environment.   By playing with specially selected materials, and with the guidance of a person who reacts in a designated manner, the child plays out his/her feelings, bringing these hidden emotions to the surface where s/he can face them and cope with them. In it's most psychotherapeutic form, the teacher is unconditionally accepting of anything the child might say or do. The teacher never expresses shock, argues, teases, moralizes, or tells the child that his/her perceptions are incorrect.  An atmosphere should be developed in which the child knows that s/he can express herself/himself in a non punitive environment.   Yet, even though the atmosphere is permissive, certain limits may have to be imposed such as restrictions on destroying materials, attacking the teacher, or going beyond a set time limit.

    Many psychologists, counselors and other professionals may view this technique as being within their jurisdiction only.   They may be correct when referring to long term, in-depth counseling.   However, although this technique is usually practiced by school counselors, social workers and psychologists, it can easily be modified for use by the teacher in the classroom for less intensive problems.  If you plan to conduct pre-planned sessions, it is best to obtain the permission of administrators and parents. 




What Is Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive therapy makes the assumption that thoughts precede moods and that false self-beliefs lead to negative emotions. Cognitive therapy aims to help the patient recognize and reassess his patterns of negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts that more closely reflect reality.

What Are Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive therapy recognizes 10 common patterns of faulty thinking, which are known as cognitive distortions.

  • All-or-Nothing Thinking: Failing to recognize that there may be some middle ground. Characterized by absolute terms like always, never, and forever.
  • Overgeneralization: Taking an isolated case and assuming that all others are the same.
  • Mental Filter: Mentally singling out the bad events in one's life and overlooking the positive.
  • Disqualifying the Positive: Treating positive events like they don't really count.
  • Jumping to Conclusions: Assuming the worst about a situation even though there is no evidence to back their conclusion.
  • Magnification and Minimization: Downplaying positive events while paying an inordinate amount of attention to negative ones.
  • Emotional Reasoning: Allowing your emotions to govern what you think about a situation rather than objectively looking at the facts.
  • Should Statements: Rigidly focusing on how you think things should be rather than finding strategies for dealing with how things are.
  • Labeling and Mislabeling: Applying false and harsh labels to oneself and others.
  • Personalization: Blaming yourself for things that are out of your control.

What Is Cognitive Therapy Used For

Studies have shown that cognitive therapy is an effective treatment for depression. It is comparable in effectiveness to antidepressants and interpersonal therapy or psychodynamic therapy. The combination of cognitive therapy and antidepressants has been shown to be effective in managing severe or chronic depression. Cognitive therapy has also proven beneficial to patients who have only a partial response to antidepressants. There is good evidence that cognitive therapy reduces relapse rates. addition, some evidence has shown that cognitive therapy is effective in treating adolescent depression.. 



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